North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society

Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting

April 24, 2003

Attendees: Jeff Brunette, Ken Kerns, Irene Patrek, Janet Silsby, Brian Vetter, Chuck Roessler and Dan McGrane.

Note: A copy of the executive meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

Called to order at 7:15 P. M. by President Brian Vetter.

1.) October 24, 2002 Executive Council Meeting minutes were reviewed. No changes were made and the minutes were approved.

2.) Dan McGrane presented Secretary-Treasurer's report. It was accepted and approved.

Checkbook balance: $3,193.07
Money Market fund: $14,629.39
Total balance: $17,822.46

78% of the total membership dues for 2003 were received by the April 25, 2003 spring meeting. This amounts to over $960.00 in income. Constant budget items are the $500.00 Science Teacher Award, the travel stipend of $300.00 (if the teacher comes to the meeting), the $500.00 Wissink memorial speaker expense and around $800.00 per meeting for lunches and breaks.

3.) The Affiliate Coordinator's report was presented. There are 12 affiliate members. We have not approved any new affiliates since the October 25, 2002 meeting. K & S indicated that they will renew their membership but have not done so as of the meeting date. Spring meeting sponsors are; ICN represented by Tom Chwierut, Thermo Electron represented by Nelson Chiu and Canberra represented by Dale Elmore. All three vendors sponsored at $150 level although Dale paid his sponsorship at last fall meeting and was unable to attend. A copy of the Affiliate Member Report is on file with the Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive Council and current Affiliate Coordinator are soliciting a chapter member to step forward and take over the Affiliate Coordinator duties. Interested members should contact Brian Vetter, President, Irene Patrek, President-elect, Dan McGrane, Secretary-Treasurer or Mike Lewandowski.

4.) The spring meeting program received four Continuing Education Credits. The ABHP course number is 2002-10-004. Brian Vetter has the letter and information on file. Brian will apply for spring meeting CE credits.

5.) Ken Kerns, Steven Simpson et al. will host our spring meeting in the Pioneer Room of Memorial Union on the Iowa State University campus. Brian Vetter reviewed the slate of speakers on the meeting agenda. The meeting begins at 8:00 AM with registration and will conclude around 3:45 PM. Jeff Brunette will do the Newsletter write up for the spring meeting.

Old Business:

1.) The Science and Education Committee has not received any applicants for the Science Teacher Award. Last year's award recipient, Louis C. Grosberg of Apollo High School, St. Cloud, MN was unable to attend the meeting due to commitments for the upcoming regional science bowl. The science department of Mr. Grosberg's school received a $500.00 check and award from the chapter. His name will also be submitted to the HPS for National Award nomination. Work on organizing Science Teacher Workshops has stalled. Janet Silsby has stepped forward and will find out how to receive continuing education credits for teachers that attend workshops. Contact with local science teacher organizations is intermittent.

2.) Jan Braun, Anne Harri and Dan McGrane (Venues Ad Hoc committee) toured the city of St. Paul and its convention facilities on February 17, 2003. The convention center is adequate for the HPS but we have some concerns about the hotels. We are also looking at Milwaukee as a possibility.

3.) Ken Kerns continues to be deeply involved in homeland security and will remain involved as our designated chair of the ad hoc homeland security committee (see item #3 in new business).

New Business:

1.) Since last fall's meeting, Gen Roessler, Greg Smith and Brian Vetter have completed and submitted the nomination of Richard Vetter for the HPS Founder's award.

2.) The executive council approved three new individual memberships received in the last six months. The new members are: Randal Dahlin, State of Iowa ñ Department of Public Health, Kathy Lilly, Minnesota Department of Health-Radiological Unit and Paul Vitalis, NMC - Monticello.

3.) Chuck Roessler presented a detailed report on the Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse Program (HDER) from the training program he attended at the midyear topical meeting in San Antonio in January. This program to provide radiation monitoring equipment to first responders in various states is being run by the Office of Domestic Preparedness (ODP), of the Department of Homeland Security and surplus equipment is being provided by the US DOE. HPS chapters are offered the opportunity to provide volunteer support as local consultants and trainers (after the initial round of training by an ODP contractor) and perform operational checks. After much discussion, we decided to be a proactive chapter and communicate as soon as possible with these organizations. One of our thoughts is to have a NCC member in each of our five states become the initial contact with ODP and the respective designated state authorities.

4.) The Council reviewed and briefly discussed a request to vote on a John Cameron resolution regarding DOE research funds being spent on the beneficial effects of low dose radiation. Some Council members had not received the resolution and supporting documents and others had not thoroughly read and understood the documents. Therefore, a motion was introduced and accepted to table the request until the fall Executive Council meeting.

5.) Out of 127 voting members 48 cast their ballots, a 38% voting member response. The ballots were counted and the newly elected officers are:

Kenneth C. Kerns, President-Elect
Daniel J. McGrane, Secretary-Treasurer
Catherine H. Knox, Council Member
Daniel J. Miron, Council Member

7.) Brian Vetter and the University of Minnesota will host the fall meeting at the university's Coffman Memorial Union. Irene Patrek will contact Ray Guilmette, HPS President-Elect for possible fall dates.

Other Business:


Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer
NCCHPS Executive Council Meeting Agenda
24 April 2003, 7:00 PM

1. Call to order

2. Approve agenda

3. Review minutes of 25 October 2002 meeting.

4. Secretary/Treasurer Report

5. Affiliate Coordinator Report

6. CEC update NCCHPS Fall 2002 Meeting, 4 CECs, 2002-10-004

7. Spring Meeting details

Old Business

1. Science & Education Committee update

2. NCCHPS committee assignments

3. Other old business.

New Business

1. Nominations for HPS awards and offices

2. New member applications

3. Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse Program

4. Request from J. Cameron, "Beneficial effects of low dose radiation" and Department of Energy's Low Dose Radiation Research Program

5. Counting of ballots

6. Fall meeting location

7. Other new business